Eric Goodman - Advocate for People and Planet
About Me
I could share a long list of achievements to highlight my importance and success, but what I truly want you to know about me is that I genuinely care about people, our planet, and reaching my fullest potential. My mission is to ensure that when I leave this world, I have given everything I have in the name of LOVE. Whether I am engaging in a cuddle session, leading workshops, writing, or creating meaningful content on social media, it is all driven by a singular purpose: LOVE.
LOVE is the answer to everything. It’s so clear that sometimes we overlook it. My role is to remind us all that when we AMPLIFY our LOVE, we naturally amplify our LIVES. Your identity is not fixed; it’s continuously evolving. Your true self isn't confined to who you were in the past but is shaped by who you aspire to be. I am here to help you design that future version of yourself, one heartfelt embrace at a time.
This is why I am passionate about offering cuddling sessions. They provide a unique opportunity to consciously reshape your sense of self, helping you evolve continuously. With every session, you move closer to your best life, which is always ahead of you, never behind. Let’s embark on this journey together, amplifying our lives through the power of connection and the profound simplicity of a cuddle.
Eric Goodman - Advocate for People and Planet